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Can Asthma Prohibit You from Participating in Sports?


Exercise is beneficial to both overall health and lung health. There are numerous advantages to physical activity for persons who have asthma. Daily exercise improves your lungs’ capacity, or the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use, and boosts blood flow to your lungs, which promotes blood flow to your heart and pumps oxygen throughout your body.

Some activities and hobbies may be better suited to people who have asthma. Golf, yoga, and mild cycling are all less likely to trigger asthma attacks. Baseball, football, gymnastics, and shorter track and field events are possibilities.

Some sports can be challenging for those who have asthma. Endurance sports, such as long-distance running or cycling, are activities that require a lot of energy without a lot of rest. However, this does not preclude you from participating in these sports if you genuinely enjoy them.

Many Olympians and professional athletes have asthma. You can engage in any sport you want with proper training, prescription dosing, and administration.

If you get asthma symptoms while exercising or shortly afterward, consult your doctor in Ridgewood, New York. Are you simply out of shape? Is it exercise-induced asthma or asthma that is poorly controlled?

You will need to consult with your asthma doctor in Ridgewood, New York, to determine the type of asthma you have. Different treatment choices, such as adding a daily controller drug to your asthma treatment strategy, may be beneficial to you.

Do you intend to give up sports and exercise due to your asthma? Don’t do it just yet! Visit MK Healthcare Medical, PC., your trusted medical clinic in New York first.

We also provide neurology services and have a competent and experienced neurologist in Ridgewood New York on staff.

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